Raising your credit score can be the difference between being approved or denied for a small business loan in California. Lenders use your credit score to determine risk, so a higher score will increase your chances of approval. Start by reviewing your credit report and removing any errors. Pay bills on time, reduce outstanding debt, and keep your credit card balances low. The higher your score, the more favorable the loan terms you can expect, helping you get the capital your business needs to grow and succeed.
Factoring vs. Accounts Receivable Financing: Key Differences Explained
Factoring and accounts receivable financing offer similar benefits—both provide access to immediate cash flow—but they differ significantly in execution and control. Factoring involves selling your outstanding invoices to a factoring company, which buys them at a discount for immediate cash. This can be useful if you need quick cash and are willing to transfer ownership of receivables. Accounts receivable financing, however, allows businesses to borrow against unpaid invoices while maintaining ownership and control.
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